PNW/BC Element Campout Point Roberts WA


Melanie Osmack is organizing a PNW/BC Element campout.


June 2-4, 2023


Pt. Roberts, Washington. 40 minutes from downtown Vancouver, Canada and 40 minutes from the Blaine, Washington border crossing.


It looks like there are some amazing events being planned in other areas so I wanted to coordinate something a bit closer to home for those in BC and WA. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada and have a family cabin in Pt Roberts so I know the area well. Lighthouse Marine Park’s oceanfront group sites are beautiful, spacious and well-cared for.

Located in Point Roberts, on the southern tip of the Tsawwassen Peninsula, this 21 acre oceanfront park is one of the best places to view Orca whales from land. Sit on a log and gaze out on the Strait of Georgia from the rocky beach. The park offers camping, beach access, picnic areas, playground, fishing, and wildlife viewing.

  • Lighthouse Marine Park, Pt Roberts, Washington, USA

  • Fri June 2 to Sun June 4

  • Check in 2:00pm. Check out 11:00am

  • Oceanfront Group sites

  • Public washrooms and shower house

  • US$35/vehicle inc 2 humans

  • US$10/extra per human, space permitting.

  • 50 people max, 25 per site

  • Alcohol okay but NOT cannabis-friendly due to proximity to the federal border

Hold your spot by completing the form (below) and sending payment.


Americans please send via paypal. I am Canadian and we do not have Venmo.

Canadians please send Interac transfer to


Will I need a passport?

Yes. Even if you are American, the only way to enter Pt. Roberts by land is through Tsawwassen BC in Canada. If you arrive by boat, you’ll still need a passport.

Which is the best border to cross?

There is ONLY ONE border that will get you to Pt. Roberts and it is at 56th st and 0 Ave in Tsawwassen BC.

Where does my US$35 go?

This is a non-profit group event. I’m just collecting your portion of the group campsite, shelter and firewood. If we end up with any extra money, I’ll put it toward group snacks or activities.

Is the campground accessible?

The campsite and walking trails are hard-packed gravel but there is no wheelchair ramp to the water. If you are on wheels, you’ll be able to get to the beach, but not to the water. There are wheelchair accessible washrooms.

Is this campout LGBTQ2S+ friendly?

Sure is. Love is love.

Can I bring my kid(s)?

Absolutely. There is a playground and endless beach to explore.

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, if

(a) Your dogs does well with groups, kids, other dogs etc.

(b) You have proof of your dog's current rabies vaccine.

(c) You are committed to following the campground rules. This booking is associated with my account and if people don’t follow the rules, I could be banned from camping in county parks.

Campground rules: “Dogs are welcome but must remain on leash at all times, including when in the water and while at your campsite. It is your responsibility to:

  • Keep animal under control and on a leash no longer than 8 feet, unless otherwise crated or caged

  • Have a clean-up device with you at all time and properly dispose of animal waste

  • Ensure animal does not bite, intimidate, or annoy other park users

  • Ensure animal does not bark or disturb the peace of the park



Cell service?

Maybe. If not, a short walk or drive and you’ll find some. In the case of an emergency, I have service.

Why no Cannabis?

Pt Roberts is a geographical anomaly. Google it and you’ll see what I mean. Though cannabis is legal in Washington State, it is illegal to buy or sell it within 5 miles of a federal border. Pt Roberts is so small that EVERYTHING is within 5 miles of the federal border. So sorry….no Mary Jane.

Where can I buy food, bevvies etc?

There is a large grocery store in town but being an isolated American peninsula, the prices are high for groceries. Alcohol prices are close to normal. If you can afford to support the community by shopping there, please do. If not, please be sure to research which foods can cross the border before you come.

Will there be any group meals?

Once we know who all is coming, we can set up a Zoom and see how everyone feels. I do love a group meal for dinners.

What will we do?

We will obviously geek out on our love for Es, beach comb, build driftwood forts, eat, sit around the campfire and so on. I’d LOVE to organize an Element Run through the community. I’m a hot rod kid and I have such great memories of rod runs with my family in our 37 Ford. There are hiking trails at Lily Point Marine Reserve, The Enchanted Forest behind the Fire Hall, Kilometers/miles of low tide at Maple Beach, a Saturday community market and funky local shops. It’s a very safe community with a lot of community pride. If you get bored, you can pressure wash our cabin.

Must my E be fancy?

Absolutely not. Come as you are. Wishing for a wash for the E run? There is a drive through car wash at the Shell station in Tsawwassen.

Who are you and why are you doing this?

Truth be told, I booked these same sites for the same purpose summer 2020. You all know what happened there. I am the proud original owner of a 2004 Honda Element who has learned so much through different Element FB Groups. I’ve always wished that there was an event in my neck of the woods. I’m a mom of a young adult, a teen, and 2 cats in Vancouver BC. I spend most weekends at our family place in Pt Roberts exploring nature, woodworking, building campfires and sharing meals with friends. I travel a lot for work and pleasure and always make a point of finding a hike or interesting walk in every city or town I visit. My friends not only tolerate my E-talk, they enjoy making fun of me for it. That said, one recently tried to buy mine so….

Questions? EMAIL